Sunday, July 13, 2008

More McConnell hypocrisy

David Hawpe of the Courier-Journal calls out Mitch McConnell over his rank hypocrisy:

...Mitch McConnell's office just announced that the new Transportation and Housing and Urban Development appropriations bill includes $16.45 million in taxpayer money for various local projects in Kentucky. When this measure passes the full Senate, he'll have another opportunity to announce this largesse, and when the bill clears Congress, and when the President signs it -- you get the idea.

I love it when conservatives hand out taxpayers' money. On the one hand, they insist that the federal government should keep its hands out of the people's pockets -- that taxpayers know how to spend their own money without Big Brother's help and guidance, that Washington ought to stay out of local decision making, that government is best when closest to home.

But here is one of the U.S. Senate's most self-consciously conservative members, bragging about a fortune in federal funds he just grabbed for clearly local projects -- everything from buses to bike paths.

Click here to read the entire column.