Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lunsford within 2 points of McConnell

A new poll from Garin Hart Yang was released today, and it shows that McConnell is leading Lunsford by only two points:

The findings of our most recent survey, conducted earlier this week among 502 likely voters, show that Senator McConnell continues to be highly vulnerable to defeat next Tuesday, with McConnell below the important 50% mark on key measurements.

The trial heat standings show McConnell ahead by 47% to 45%, which is well within the survey’s +/-4.5% margin of error. The findings of every survey we have conducted over the past month show Senator McConnell below the magic 50% mark, and even the latest Courier-Journal survey has McConnell at 47%. For an incumbent, especially one with Mitch McConnell’s long tenure, to not garner 50%+ with five days remaining should be troubling to his campaign.