Friday, May 29, 2009

Help for children

There's a good editorial in today's Courier-Journal:

Gov. Steve Beshear announced Friday that Kentucky will direct about $4 million in federal stimulus money to child welfare programs that the state cut earlier this year. This news comes as a drink of water after months of drought, during which welfare agencies' ability to provide basic services to needy children was badly debilitated.

...When the cuts were initially announced in February, the state's 50 private child welfare agencies were forced to eliminate more than 100 jobs, and remaining staff had to take on more responsibilities for less pay. The adults employed by these agencies have sacrificed their own financial security in order to preserve core services for children. Mr. Beshear's announcement of the funds' restoration shows an overdue commitment to children on the part of the state that resembles that of these dedicated child-services workers.