Today, Senate Republicans objected to a commonsense transparency measure that would have required all amendments to the Senate health care bill to be posted online before being considered. Republican Senator Mike Enzi, on behalf of his Republican colleagues, led the effort to block Senator Reid from implementing this measure today, which would have allowed anyone to read the numerous amendments being offered to the health care bill online.
“Senate Republicans continue to show that they have no interest in reforming our broken health care system,” said Democratic Senatorial Campaign Communications Director Eric Schultz. “Instead of agreeing to a commonsense measure that would have required all amendments to be posted online, Republicans continue to obstruct and offer delay. The American people are tired of these political games and will remember which party worked toward health care reform and which party stood back and did nothing. If Republicans want to hide their amendments from the American people, they ought to explain why.”
Senator Reid asked unanimous consent that no amendment be in order to the Reid substitute (SA #2786, any subsequent substitute amendment, and HR 3590) unless the text (or internet link to the text) of the amendment is posted on the home page of the official Senate website of the Member who is sponsoring the amendment, prior to the amendment being called up for consideration by the Senate, and the amendment is filed at the desk. This request would be in effect for the duration of consideration of HR 3590. Senator Enzi and Senate Republicans objected to the request.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Republicans object to transparency measure
The DSCC just issued this press release: