Monday, February 8, 2010

McConnell's course

Yesterday's Courier-Journal ran this must-read editorial:

What Sen. McConnell did the other day — when he accused the Obama administration of “a pre-9/11 mind-set” on national security that places “symbolism over security” and “is a very dangerous route” — is simply beyond the pale of responsible, patriotic leadership. He compounded the problem by threatening to block federal funds to try terrorist detainees in the United States.

The strategy is obvious. First, when a terrorist attack someday does occur, Republicans want to be able to pin it on President Obama — even though Democrats did not do that after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks occurred on the Bush administration's watch after pointed warnings about Osama bin Laden's intentions. Second, Sen. McConnell is exploiting polls that show nervousness about terrorist trials in American civilian courts and closing Guantánamo's detention center.

...Sen. McConnell and his party are betting — worse yet, hoping — that they can destroy a president with three years left in his term. That isn't leadership. It isn't even partisanship. It's reckless, shameful and dangerous.