Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More from the so-called 'liberal media'

Media Matters documents a head-scratcher of a comment from CNN's Lou Dobbs:

Lou Dobbs introduced the March 21 edition of CNN's Lou Dobbs Tonight by announcing: "Tonight, Senator [Barack] Obama wins the endorsement of the nation's only Hispanic governor, Bill Richardson. Is Obama pandering to ethnocentric special interests again? We'll have complete coverage." The subsequent report included no discussion of whether Obama is "pandering to ethnocentric special interests."

Obama is "pandering to ethnocentric special interests" because Richardson is Hispanic? Utterly ridiculous. I suppose McCain was "pandering to Jewish special interests" when he accepted Joe Lieberman's endorsement?

And still right-wing blowhards like Bill Cunningham remain convinced that the media is biased against Republicans. Unbelievable.