Thursday, August 6, 2009

DCCC Launches

Here's a new press release from the DCCC:

The DCCC announced today the launch of, a new website dedicated to exposing the truth-twisting attack by Republicans and their fringe right-wing groups on health insurance reform. The site empowers grassroots activists to fight back against the false and misleading attacks being used by Republicans to protect the status quo for big health insurance companies.

"Republicans are trying to poison the debate on health insurance reform with lies, misleading ads, and scare tactics so we're launching to set the record straight and empower our supporters to fight back with the truth," said Jon Vogel, Executive Director for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "This website is just another way that we are holding Republicans and their fringe groups accountable for trying anything and everything to protect the profitable status quo for big health insurance companies at the expense of affordable health care for families." is part of Health Care ER, Health Care Emergency Response, the DCCC's major advertising and grassroots offensive throughout the month of August. Activities include paid advertising, automated and live volunteer phone calls, millions of grassroots e-mails, letters to the editor, fact checks, and tele-town halls in targeted Republican districts.