Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mitch gets fact-checked

Back in June, Mitch McConnell was busy scaremongering over health reform on the Senate floor:

Take the case of Shona Holmes, a Canadian citizen who was told by the bureaucrats running the health care system in that country that she’d have to wait six months... six months to see a specialist to treat her brain tumor. Here’s how Shona described her plight: "if I'd relied on my government, I'd be dead."

Today the Associated Press exposed Mitch's dishonesty about Shona Holmes:

She never had cancer — a fact routinely omitted by the advocates who have seized on her case. Technically, she didn't have a tumor, either.

...The Mayo Clinic diagnosed Holmes with Rathke's cleft cyst, which the clinic describes as a rare fluid-filled sac that grows near the pituitary gland near the base of the brain and can cause hormone and vision problems over time. The condition is not known to be fatal and the clinic, in trumpeting her treatment, makes no claim that her life was in danger.