Monday, April 26, 2010

Mitch McConnell: CityBeat's Loser of the Week

CityBeat has a weekly feature called "Winners and Losers." Our own Mitch McConnell made this week's list of Losers:
The Republican Senate leader from Louisville is urging all GOP senators to uniformly oppose President Obama’s proposed banking reforms, even if most of them (like Sen. Scott Brown of Massachusetts) can’t articulate why. Although McConnell says his opposition is due to the possibility of another bank bailout, we’d like to point out that A.) McConnell supported the 2008 bailout and tried to block putting any controls on the cash, and B.) McConnell recently met with two dozen Wall Street executives, including hedge fund managers, to listen to their fears about the reform and then — presto! — decides to oppose Obama’s plan.

Don’t try to pose as a populist, Mr. McConnell.