Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How out of touch can Rand Paul get?

Today The DSCC issued this press release:

Rand Paul, already under fire for not understanding Kentucky, just gave even more proof why he’s too risky for Kentucky by endorsing a 23% national sales tax on Kentuckians, a policy advocated for by a Texas-based group. According to the Associated Press, Paul would vote for the “FairTax,” which would replace the income tax with a 23% sales tax on almost everything Kentuckians buy, including groceries, prescription drugs, doctors visits and gasoline. Paul’s reckless tax scheme would even eliminate corporate income taxes and deductions on which middle class Kentuckians rely, like the mortgage deduction.

As the AP notes, “The proposal has been championed by the Texas-based group Americans for Fair Taxation and a newly formed affiliate, FairTax America Support Team. Paul's former campaign manager, David Adams, is a member of the affiliate's governing board.”

“Could Rand Paul be more out of touch with Kentucky?” said DSCC National Press Secretary Deirdre Murphy. “At a time when middle-class Kentuckians are already struggling to make ends meet and pay the bills, forcing them to pay a 23% sales tax on nearly everything they buy is not only reckless and risky, it’s downright wrong. Once again, Paul has shown he has absolutely no clue what challenges Kentucky families face every day.”

Rand Paul has proven that he just doesn’t understand Kentucky. Since he beat Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate in the Republican primary, Paul has come under fire from Democrats and Republicans for calling for the elimination of the Department of Education, disbanding the Federal Reserve, and calling into question the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Paul also called criticism of BP “un-American,” has said the drug problem in eastern Kentucky is “not a real pressing issue,” and thinks Kentucky seniors should pay a $2,000 Medicare deductible.