Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tunnel vision

There's a very good editorial in today's Courier-Journal:

[Kentucky state Rep. David Floyd, R-Bardstown] is becoming an old hand at tying anti-abortion measures to every manner of legislation — including, this session, bills involving tanning beds, car decals for young drivers and domestic violence.

...Rep. Floyd's procedural shenanigans threaten to take down legislation designed to bring more scrutiny to bear on how well — or how badly — Kentucky's Cabinet for Health and Family Services does its job in protecting children who die or suffer serious injuries from child abuse and neglect. House Bill 441 would create a panel to oversee the Cabinet's efforts in that regard. It is not a perfect bill, but amendments were promised to address secrecy concerns and to restore language requiring public disclosure about child deaths and serious injuries.

...If legislators want to be anti-abortion activists, they can do that on their own time. But it is high time that they stopped using their time in Frankfort to disrupt the important business of the people of Kentucky with rope-a-dope tactics that prevent useful and beneficial legislation from advancing.