Saturday, November 14, 2009

GOP's 'big tent' turns into political coffin

Be sure to check out the most recent column from DeWayne Wickham:

[Today's Republican Party] finds political strength mostly in states of the old Confederacy, where the Southern Whigs were once prominent. And just as the dying Whigs tried to save themselves by aligning with immigration opponents, today's GOP has cast its lot with a fringe collection of nativists, "birthers" and "tea party" protesters in hopes of political resurrection.

I don't think that's going to happen.

Despite recent victories in the New Jersey and Virginia gubernatorial races, the Republican Party hasn't reversed its fall into the political abyss — it's just slowed the descent. While claiming to be a "big tent" party that tolerates a wide range of views, the GOP is actually just a right-wing pup tent.