Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama in the Tri-State

Barack Obama made an appearance at Ault Park in Cincinnati today. Channel 9 reports:

Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Barack Obama was in Cincinnati Thursday afternoon speaking to a crowd of thousands in Mount Lookout.

...Senator Obama spent much of his 30 minute talk addressing how to improve the floundering economy, with tax cuts for the middle class, energy independence and fixing the broken health care system.

Senator Obama says, "My opponent talks about giving every family a tax credit for everyone to buy health care. What he doesn't say is that he'll also tax your benefits for the first time in history. Come on! That's a bait and switch. He'll give you a tax credit with one hand but he raises your taxes with the other."

Courtesy of the Obama campaign, here's an excerpt of Barack's speech:

You can view Obama's entire speech at Channel 5's website.