Thursday, October 9, 2008

Veterans Object to McConnell’s Campaign Tactics

Yesterday, the KDP issued this press release:

Kentucky Veterans Object to McConnell’s Campaign Tactics
Call on McConnell to Pull His Deceptive Television Ads

LOUISVILLE, October 8, 2008 - Military veterans gathered in Louisville earlier today to denounce campaign tactics employed by Mitch McConnell, who has repeatedly used veterans to slander his opponent, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Bruce Lunsford. One veteran who appeared in a McConnell ad already spoke out against McConnell, saying his words were taken out of context; he has since appeared in an ad for Lunsford saying that "McConnell has used veterans in a very bad way."

Retired Army Officer Mike Weaver of Elizabethtown led today's press conference and expressed outrage over the politicizing of veterans. Beyond misusing veterans for political gain, McConnell has also drawn criticism from the Military Order of the Purple Heart, which has called for him to stop using the name of the organization his ads saying that the ad "violates the spirit of our bylaws."

"I'm always appalled when I see veterans used as political props," said Retired Army Officer Mike Weaver. "I'm even more appalled when the politician who uses the veterans has never shared the foxhole."

In addition to using America's veterans for his political gain, McConnell has a poor record on veterans' issues in the Senate, repeatedly voting against additional funding for veterans programs. McConnell cast the deciding vote to slash TRICARE, a program that provides healthcare to vets, and was one of only 25 senators to oppose expanding healthcare benefits for our National Guard and Reserves. Further, McConnell voted against funding to treat post-traumatic stress disorder; was one of 22 senators to vote against education benefits for America's fighting men and women; and voted against providing more downtime between deployments.

Retired Marine Abe Pena also spoke today and expressed a similar sentiment as Weaver. "Mitch McConnell has turned his back on Kentucky's veterans for too long," said Abe Pena. "Whether it's opposing a new GI Bill to expand educational opportunities for our returning troops or voting against increased funding for veterans health care, Mitch McConnell has proven that he is not on our side. Kentucky's veterans need change."

McConnell is uniquely unqualified to speak about veterans' issues considering that his own active duty lasted all of six weeks before he used political connections to expedite a medical discharge for a temporary medical condition during the Vietnam War.

For the full story, visit