Sunday, August 10, 2008

Crowley: Mitch's claims in ad 'a stretch'

Pat Crowley has a good column about Mitch McConnell's dishonest ads in today's Enquirer. Here's an excerpt:

In one ad, McConnell takes Lunsford to task for holding investments in energy companies.

...I haven't seen a stretch like this since I tried to put on a pair of jeans I bought a few years ago.

There are lots of reasons why gas prices are high, mainly too much demand and not enough supply coupled with the lack of a cogent energy policy in this country. McConnell could even shoulder some blame for the latter; he's been in Washington for 24 years, why hasn't he come up with a solution before the current plan he is pushing, one that calls for more drilling, oil exploration innovations and even incentives for electric car technology? Oh, that's right, it's an election year.