Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lunsford’s Statement on Social Security

Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate Bruce Lunsford released the following statement regarding today’s 73rd anniversary of Social Security:

“For nearly three-quarters of a century, Social Security has helped provide America’s seniors with a safe and secure retirement and helped millions of other Americans who have fallen on hard times. Rather than work to strengthen Social Security, Mitch McConnell has led the charge in Washington to privatize Social Security and reduce the guaranteed benefits our greatest generation has earned. That is wrong.

Despite Mitch McConnell’s best efforts to dismantle it, Social Security continues to provide much-needed support for our seniors, and many others, and we must do all that we can to strengthen and preserve this vital program.

Additionally, we must repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset, which unfairly impact many of Kentucky’s teachers and government pension employees.”