Friday, August 1, 2008

KY's newspapers editorialize Mitch

Today's Courier-Journal addresses Mitch McConnell directly:

You agreed to give back the $10,000 your campaign took from the political action committee of your friend and colleague Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, who has been indicted on federal corruption charges. You're going to hand it over to charity.

Now what about the additional thousands that your political action committee has taken from Mr. Stevens' PAC since 2005?

...Democratic senatorial nominee Bruce Lunsford called on his opponent to "do the honorable thing" and give all of the Stevens money back. But why he would expect ethical behavior from Sen. McConnell, who refuses to quit airing commercials and sending slick mailers, making laughable attempts to blame Mr. Lunsford for the high price of gasoline.

The Herald-Leader adds this:

Congress is scurrying to get something, anything, done before breaking for five weeks. McConnell, the Senate Republican leader, has been busy leading filibusters that:

■ Blocked curbs on oil speculation that some think is contributing to price increases.

■ Blocked home heating and cooling assistance for low-income, elderly and disabled people.

■ Blocked the continuation of tax credits for wind and solar energy, clean coal and electric vehicles.

Let's hope Bruce Lunsford beats Mitch this fall!