Monday, August 4, 2008

Lunsford on energy policy

Today's Herald-Leader includes an op-ed piece on energy policy from Democratic senatorial candidate Bruce Lunsford. Here's an excerpt:

Brought on by years of inaction by Washington, the gas-price crisis is a multifaceted challenge that calls for action in the form of immediate relief, increased domestic production as well as long-term solutions to America's oil addiction.

There are no easy outs and no single idea that will solve the crisis. We must work on multiple fronts and involve the free market in a significant way.

My eight-point energy plan includes an emphasis on developing clean and renewable energy. Both of the major presidential candidates have said this, and even T. Boone Pickens, the conservative billionaire Texas oilman, has said this is one problem we can't drill our way out of.

Click here to read the entire piece.